現在の位置: ホーム > 辞書 S> silver


製品名称: silver
CAS登録番号: 7440-22-4
EINECS: 231-131-3  
シノニム: Silber; Epinall; Colloidal silver; Silver metal;silver;Argentum; Shell silver; Silver atom; Algaedyn; Amalgum;
分子式: Ag
分子: 107.8682
密度:  1.135 g/mL at 25 °C
沸点:  2212 ºC
融点:  961 ºC
フラッシュポイント:  232 °F
屈折率:  20/D 1.333
リスクコード:  S24/25
安全文:  Human systemic effects by inhalation: skin effects. Inhalation of dusts can cause argyrosis. Questionable carcinogen with experimental tumorigenic data. Flammable in the form of dust when exposed to flame or by chemical reaction with C2H2, NH3, bromoazide, ClF3, ethyleneimine, H2O2, oxalic acid, H2SO4, tartaric acid. Incompatible with acetylene, acetylene compounds, aziridine, bromine azide, 3-bromopropyne, carboxylic acids, copper + ethylene glycol, electrolytes + zinc, ethanol + nitric acid, ethylene oxide, ethyl hydroperoxide, ethyleneimine, iodoform, nitric acid, ozonides, peroxomonosulfuric acid, peroxyformic acid. See also POWDERED METALS and SILVER COMPOUNDS.Analytical Methods:   For occupational chemical analysis use OSHA: #ID-125G or NIOSH: Elements (ICP), 7300; Welding and Brazing Fume, 7200; Elements in Blood or Tissue, 8005; Metals in Urine (ICP), 8310.
ハザードシンボル:  Xi:Irritant;
