Levamisole hydrochloride
Molecular Structure
Detailed Description
Contact person: Mr.Toby
E-mail: toby(at)international-biz(dot)com
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Name:Levamisole hydrochloride
Synonyms: (-)-2,3,5,6-Tetrahydro-6-phenylimidazo[2,1-b]thiazole hydrochloride
Molecular Formula: C11H12N2S.HCl
Molecular Weight: 240.75
CAS Registry Number: 16595-80-5
Appearance: White or almost white crystalline powder
IR Complies with reference spectrum
Chloride Positive
Related substances(HPLC)
Total impurities NMT 0.30%
Individual specified
Impurity A NMT 0.20%
Impurity B NMT 0.20%
Impurity C NMT 0.20%
Impurity D NMT 0.20%
Impurity E NMT 0.20%
Individual unspecified impurities NMT 0.10%
Color and clarity of the solution
Clear, not more intensely colored than
reference solution Y7
Loss on drying NMT 0.5%
Sulphated ash NMT 0.1%
Heavy metals NMT 20ppm
Specific optical rotation -121.0degree ~ -128.0degree
pH value 3.0 ~ 4.5
Assay(Dried substance) 98.5% ~ 101.0%
Use: Levamisole hydrochloride was originally used as an anthelminthic to treat worm infestations in both humans and animals. Most current commercial preparations are intended for veterinary use as a dewormer in cattle, pigs, and sheep. However, levamisole has also gained prominence among aquarists as an effective treatment for Camallanus roundworm infestations in freshwater tropical fish.
Levamisole hydrochloride has been tested in combination with fluorouracil to treat colon cancer.

- Levamisole hydrochloride