Steroidraws Health Tech Company Limited

Steroidraws Health Tech Company Limited

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high purity Oxymetholone(Anadrol)

  • CAS No:434-07-1 Oxymetholone
    Molecular Structure

    Detailed Description

    English name: Oxymetholone
    Alias: Anadrol
    CAS No.: 434-07-1
    Molecular formula: C21H32O3
    Molecular weight: 306.44
    Characters: White Or Almost White Crystalline Powder.
    Application range: Originally used for osteoporosis and anaemia. Epogen was later developed as a safter alternative for these diseases. Oxymetholone was then used in treatment for HIV wasting.
    Use: Oxymetholone, an oral steroid is often used in combination with other steroids as a 'stack'. Oral steroids gains are immediate, with noticeable gains after only a few days.
    Packing: According to customer requirements for packaging.
  • high purity Oxymetholone(Anadrol)
  • high purity Oxymetholone(Anadrol)