Steroidraws Health Tech Company Limited

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high purity Methandrostenolone

  • CAS No:72-63-9 Metandienone
    Molecular Structure

    Detailed Description

    English name: Methandrostenolone(Dianabol)
    Chemical name: 17alpha-Methyl-1-dehydrotestosterone, Methandienone; Methandrostenolone
    CAS No.: 72-63-9
    EINECS NO: 200-787-2
    Molecular formula: C20H28O2
    Molecular weight: 300.44
    Characters: white powder, insoluble in water, soluble in 96% ethanol.
    Application range: No medical uses. Was developed for bodybuilding and athlete development until it was banned by the FDA.
    Use: Dianabol is used in combination with other steroids, usually at the beginning of a steroid cycle. Dianabol is an oral steroids in which a user would see quick results.
    Packing: According to customer requirements for packaging.
  • high purity Methandrostenolone
  • high purity Methandrostenolone