Bleomycin sulfate
Molecular Structure
Detailed Description
Bleomycin sulfate
Synonyms:blenmycins;bleomycin,sulfate(salt);nsc-125066;bleomycin sulfate;bleomycin sulphate;bleomycin sulfate, streptomyces verticillus;blexane;bleo
Chemical Properties:White Powder
Usage:A group of related glycopeptide antibiotics. Bleomycin A2 is the main component of the bleomycin employed clinically.Bleomycin is a complex of 11 glycopeptide antitumour antibiotics originally isolated from Streptomyces verticillus in 1972. The dominant components of the complex are bleomycin A2 and B2, which typically represent >90% of the total weight . Bleomycins have found clinical application in the treatment of a range of tumours. Bleomycins act by intercalation of DNA and RNA. In the presence of oxygen and metal ions, notably copper and iron, bleomycins form a pseudo-enzyme that induces DNA cleavage.
Packing:foil bag
Test Project Requirement Test Result
Solubility Very Soluble in water Complies
Characteristics White powder A white powder
Identification Meets the Requirements Complies
PH 4.5-6.0 5.7
Loss on Drying NMT6.0% 4.6%
Copper NMT0.1% 0.07%
Bacterial endotoxins NMT5EU/mg Complies
Bleomycin Assay Bleomycin A255-70% 62% Bleomycin B225-32% 29% Demethylbleomycin A2 NMT5.5% 3.6% Bleomycin A2+ Bleomycin B2NLT85% 91% Other related substances NMT9.5% 5.4%
Assay 1.5~2.0 USP Bleomycin Units 1.7 USP Bleomycin Units

- Bleomycin sulfate