Molecular Structure
Detailed Description
What is it?
Trenavar is a prohormone released in 2011 from IBE/PHF. Celtitren is the name of the upcoming trenavar product to be released by Celtic Labs this year. It is a prohormone to the veterinary implant and bodybuilding steroid trenbolone. This just means that your body converts the hormone to something similar to trenbolone AFTER it is ingested. Because it is not the illegal steroid trenbolone before ingested, it can remain in the legal grey market…for now. The cool thing about this stuff is that it converts to actual trenbolone in the body. Other “tren” prohormones actually converted to dienolone, which is similar in structure, but weak in comparison.
The amount of drug that is actually metabolized should be high so the user should expect effects exactly like trenbolone. The benefit of the oral form is you can avoid the dreaded “tren cough” which is a common occurrence after tren injections. Trenavar or Trendione will be incredibly strong. Users should expect the same effects as trenbolone, which is one of the strongest steroids in history. One should expect an increase in vascularity, increase muscle hardness, increased fat loss without a change in diet, muscle gains, rapid strength gains, and increase body weight.
Celtitren by Celtic Labs will be 30mgs per capsule. Injectable trenbolone is usually dosed at 200-400mgs/wk. I would venture to say that although the oral version will have high bioavailability, the dose might not be quite as affective mg for mg. However, one should be extremely careful with dosing anything above 60mgs per day.
Side Effects:
All the good ol’ side effects from trenbolone: Night-sweats, hair loss, hair growth, mood swings, erectile dysfunction, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, increase liver values, suppression of endocrine system.
Bottom Line:
Do not use this stuff alone unless you want to be sluggish, limp dicked, and moody. Make sure you have some sort of testosterone base such as injectable testosterone enanthate or a prohormone to testosterone like 4-AD. This product will be best used in a stack. Expect to look really good, get really strong, have some side effects, and want to stay on longer than you should. Please PLEASE run post cycle therapy to recover your endogenous hormone production ASAP as this stuff will shut you down hard.
Estra-4,9,11-triene-3,17-dione (Trenavar, Trendione) was released in late 2011 by PHF/IBE and is represented as a true prohormone to Trenbolone, differing only by a ketone at the 17 position. Similar to other 17-one prohormones, this ketone is the target of 17b-HSD1, hydrogenating the compound to yield active Trenbolone.
Information cited in the write-up argues that this compound is orally bioavailable. Tren is known to have a high affinity for the androgen receptor and also functions as a glucocorticoid receptor antagonist. This is powerful stuff.
This is a prohormone to the veterinary drug and black-market bodybuilding steroid trenbolone. Unlike previous "tren" prohormones, this one actually converts in the body to trenbolone. Previous "tren" PHs converted to the structurally similar but markedly weaker steroid dienolone.
This prohormone has the same three conjugated double bonds as trenbolone, and differs from it only in that this hormone has a 17-ketone, where trenbolone has a 17b-hydroxy function. In the body this ketone will be readily hydrolysed by 17b-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 5 (17b-HSD5) into the active form, trenbolone.
Conversion to trenbolone should be high, so effects should be identical to the injectable form with the exception of the famed "tren cough". Whatever the explanation for "tren cough" (and many have been suggested), since it's a reaction to the sudden parenteral introduction of some compound directly into the body, it's highly unlikely that any orally administered compound will have the same effect.
Trenbolone is one of the strongest injectable steroids on the market, so effects experienced from Trenavar can be expected to be largely the same: huge strength and size increases, accelerated fat loss, and enhanced vascularity.
Blood pressure is likely to be dose-dependently elevated to a significant degree, cholesterol levels and liver function markers are likely to be adversely affected, though to what extent remains to be seen. Commonly reported trenbolone sides include night-sweats, mood swings, androgenic hair loss and/or growth, temporary loss of libido, as well as the suppression of endogenous testosterone production. It would be sensible to assume that these may also result from use of Trenavar.
The anabolic effects of trenbolone are due in part to the enhanced androgen receptor binding that the conjugated double bond system causes , and also because trenbolone is an antagonist of the glucocorticoid receptor . The double bonds extending up the backbone of the steroid flattens the steroid considerably, which makes it an excellent fit for the androgen receptor. It also makes the molecule much more flexible, and therefore less receptor-specific. Trenbolone is incapable of being affected by 5a-reductase, 5b-reductase, or aromatase. But will it work orally?
The first place to turn to for information on steroids is the seminal 1969 work Androgens and Anabolic Agents by Julius Vida. Unfortunately this compound isn't among the 666 compounds discussed there, and there's a shortage of information on trenbolone by oral adminstration. I was fortunate enough to find a study which compared the anabolic effects of oral and subcutaneous application of trenbolone in rats , and the results were frankly startling. They found that to have a comparable anabolic effect, trenbolone needed to be administered orally at 100 times the dosage as when administered by subcutaneous injection (see graph). Sounds pretty bad for a tren PH then, right? Well, the good news is we're not rats.
Trenbolone is metabolised differently in different species - in rats, around 40% is excreted as a dione form, as well as several metabolites hydroxylated in various positions , but in man only one metabolite has been identified - the 17a-epimer .
The ratio of excreted trenbolone (17b-trenbolone) to epitrenbolone (17a-trenbolone) is estimated at 1:5 in a 24hr period .
What this means is that although Trenavar is a prohormone to trenbolone, it doesn't appear to be a significant metabolite in humans. The equilibrium of the reaction between 17-one and 17b-ol appears to be weighted heavily - in fact pretty much exclusively - in favour of the 17b-ol, so Trenavar should convert readily to the active form trenbolone. Once converted to trenbolone, it will be open to the same metabolism mechanisms as injectable tren - conversion via sulfatase to epitrenbolone and excretion as glucoronides.
Of course, this is largely conjecture, since neither trenbolone nor a precursor to it has ever been on the supplement market before... or has it?
A few years ago ALRI released an encapsulated product called "Methoxy TRN", advertised as containing "17b-methoxytrienbolone". This was quickly pulled from the shelves soon after its release, leaving only a few highly-collectable bottles and a reputation for tremendous strength and size gains and roadmap vascularity. This supplement was tested in 2008, and the researchers discovered the tell-tale mass spectra of trenbolone (and no sign of the advertised methoxy group) .

- Trendione(Trenavar)