現在の位置: ホーム > 辞書 1> 1,3-bis(trichloromethyl)benzene


製品名称: 1,3-bis(trichloromethyl)benzene
CAS登録番号: 881-99-2
EINECS: 212-923-8  
シノニム: Hexachlorometaxylol; 1,3-Di(trichloromethyl)benzene; 881-99-2;1,3-bis(trichloromethyl)benzene; m-Bis(trichlormethyl)benzene;1,3-Bis(trichloromethyl)benzene; m-Bis(trichloromethyl)benzene;
分子式: C8H4Cl6
分子: 312.83536
密度:  1.628g/cm3
沸点:  305.8°C at 760 mmHg
フラッシュポイント:  38 °C
屈折率:  1.584
リスクコード:  20/21/22-36/37/38
安全文:  Moderately toxic by ingestion. Experimental reproductive effects. A skin irritant. Violent reaction when heated with oxidants (e.g., potassium nitrate, selenium dioxide, and sodium chlorate). When heated to decomposition it emits toxic fumes of Cl−. See CHLORINATED HYDROCARBONS, AROMATIC.
