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Potassium hypophosphite

製品名称: Potassium hypophosphite
CAS登録番号: 7782-87-8
EINECS: 231-967-9  
シノニム: monobasic; CTK5E4990; Phosphinic acid; 7782-87-8; AC1Q1TY9;AG-H-11794; UNII-B2Q648IJ6S; potassium salt;Potassium hypophosphite; Potassium hypophosphite; HSDB 1228;
分子式: KO2P
分子: 102.070862
安全文:  When heated it evolves phosphine which then ignites in air. Explodes on evaporation with HNO3. When heated to decomposition it emits very toxic fumes of POx and K2O.
ハザードシンボル:  Moderate fire risk, may explode if ground with chlorates, nitrates, or other strong oxidizing agents.
