現在の位置: ホーム > 辞書 5> 5-[1-hydroxy-2-(propan-2-ylamino)ethyl]benzene-1,3-diol


製品名称: 5-[1-hydroxy-2-(propan-2-ylamino)ethyl]benzene-1,3-diol
CAS登録番号: 586-06-1
EINECS: 209-569-1  
シノニム: 5-[1-hydroxy-2-(propan-2-ylamino)ethyl]benzene-1,3-diol; Astmopent; Alupent; Metaproterenol sulfate;ORCIPRENALINE; Alotec; Metaprel; Metaproterenol polistirex; Novasmasol;
分子式: C11H17NO3
分子: 211.25758
密度:  1.199g/cm3
沸点:  417.5°Cat760mmHg
フラッシュポイント:  179.7°C
屈折率:  1.579
安全文:  Poison by ingestion, intraperitoneal and intravenous routes. Moderately toxic by subcutaneous route. Human reproductive effects by ingestion: changes in the uterus, cervix and vagina. When heated to decomposition it emits toxic fumes of NOx.
