現在の位置: ホーム > 辞書 C> cadmium(2+)


製品名称: cadmium(2+)
CAS登録番号: 506-82-1
EINECS: 208-055-4  
シノニム: LS-185283; CTK1H1808; EINECS 208-055-4; dimethyl-; DIMETHYLCADMIUM;carbanide; 506-82-1; AKOS015914834; AG-F-70626;cadmium(2+);Cadmium; (CH3)2Cd; FT-0625126;
分子式: C2H6Cd
分子: 142.48004
密度:  g/cm3
沸点:  105,5°C
融点:  -4,5°C
フラッシュポイント:  °C
リスクコード:  17-20/21/22
安全文:  Confirmed human carcinogen. Contact with air produces the friction-sensitive explosive dimethyl cadmium peroxide. Explodes when heated above 150°C. Ignition may occur on contact with air if the surface area is large. See also CADMIUM COMPOUNDS.
