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dextromethorphan hydrobromide

製品名称: dextromethorphan hydrobromide
CAS登録番号: 125-69-9
EINECS: 204-750-1  
シノニム: dextromethorphan hydrobromide;DEXTROMETHORPHAN MALEATE HBR;
分子式: C18H25NO?BrH
分子: 352.313
沸点:  486.1°C at 760 mmHg
フラッシュポイント:  247.8°C
安全文:  Poison by ingestion, subcutaneous, and intravenous routes. Human systemic effects by ingestion: ataxia (loss of muscle coordination), excitement and motor activity changes. When heated to decomposition it emits very toxic fumes of NOx and HBr.
