製品名称: | 2-[bis[2-[carboxylatomethyl-[2-(methylamino)-2-oxoethyl]amino]ethyl] amino]acetate |
CAS登録番号: | 122795-43-1 |
シノニム: |
DSSTox_RID_82845; DSSTox_GSID_48647; DSSTox_CID_28573; NCGC00182547-01; Omniscan;2-[bis[2-[carboxylatomethyl-[2-(methylamino)-2-oxoethyl]amino]ethyl] amino]acetate; 122795-43-1;gadolinium(3+); Omniscan (TN); CAS-122795-43-1;Gadodiamide hydrate;hydrate; |
分子構造: | |
分子式: | C16H28GdN5O9 |
分子: | 591.67162 |
密度: | g/cm3 |
沸点: | 769.1°Cat760mmHg |
安全文: | Low toxicity by intravenous route. Experimental reproductive effects. When heated to decomposition it emits toxic vapors of NOx and Gd. |
ハザードシンボル: | Low toxicity. A reproductive hazard. |