Rose hips were brought to the New World by Spanish invaders where they took root and thrived. Rose hip oil (also known as rosa mosqueta) is a wine colored oil from the ripened fruit and seeds of the Rose Hip. It is extremely high in essential fatty acids and now has much respect among professional skin care journals and organizations. It has a high vitamin content and is a natural source of Tretinoin the active ingredient in Retinol, Retin-A, Renova etc, and it has a high content of Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) the water soluble version of the active ingredient in Dr Perricones wrinkle treatment system and many other skin care programs. It also contains high amounts of essential fatty acids, and antioxidants such as lycopene which help form the building blocks of healthy skin Rosehip oil is an effective treatment for dry, weathered or dehydrated skin. It softens and minimizes scars and is the predominant natural oil used for treating wrinkles and aging. It can be used in all fine skin care recipes, or applied directly to the skin on its own with great success for any aging skin complaints. Considering the irritation direct application of retinoic acid to the skin can cause, (rosehip seed oil does not actually turn into retinoic acid until after it is absorbed and your skin decides it needs some and converts it) and the fact that being unpatented, it is cheaper. There is more data on rose hips as an anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, wound healing agent and in arthritis treatment. An interesting effect I noticed with rosehip seed oil was its ability to shrink pores. I was told nothing but microdermabrasion could do that, but I noticed Retinol did it and so does rosehip seed oil. The thing all three treatments have in common is the ability to peel of the top surface of the skin so the skin is forced to renew itself. Naturally that would appear to shrink pores considerably. Certainly I consider rosehip seed oil the treatment of choice for enlarged pores. Rosehip oil reduces wrinkles and signs of premature aging. Helps to counter the drying effects of the sun which are usually first noticed in fine wrinkle lines or "crows feet" around the eyes and mouth. Evens tone and smoothes roughness. A natural moisturizer for dry, sensitive, allergic, sun damaged, problem skin conditions and daily skin care. Improves surgical and accidental scars, restores normal skin color (reduces redness or hyper pigmentation). It also avoids the formation of the keloid type of scar (lump) which may appear after surgical procedures and helps to make less apparent old scars left by acne or chickenpox. Provides excellent results in the treatment on burned skin or on skin that has been exposed to radiotherapy. RoseHip Oil also has a high content of unsaturated essential fatty acids, namely oleic (15-20%), linoleic (44-50%) and linolenic (30-35%). They are called " essential " because our body is not able to reproduce them, and because they help to nourish and maintain a healthy skin. It is a superb tissue hydrator with a high absorbing level, penetrating dry skin almost instantly to restore a much needed moisture balance frequently lost by climatic and environmental conditions such as dryness and air toxicity. 玫瑰籽油 Rose hip seed Oil,中文一般称作玫瑰果油 Rose hip Oil概述
γ-亚麻油酸、不饱和脂肪酸、棕榈酸、柠檬酸、维生素A、C、类胡萝卜素。 适用:最重要的成分是r-亚麻油酸,这种必需脂肪酸对生殖系统非常有帮助,食用可以抗老化,对关节炎,高血压和胆固醇过高也效。对于皮肤,有柔软肌肤、美白、防皱,对妊娠纹也有疗效。具有组织再生的功能,能有效改善疤痕、暗疮、青春痘,保持皮肤水分功效卓越,也可以预防日晒后色素沉淀,晒伤都有效,添加10%的量就够了,若非常干燥老化肌肤可用100%。玫瑰果油特质
深黄或淡褐色,淡淡的苦味。萃取自智利野蔷薇果实的品质最佳。 压榨玫瑰仔的果实就可以得到玫瑰籽油。南美洲3000米以上的高山,原住民栽种的无污染蔷薇,当地人称作 Rosa mosqueta(西班牙语或意大利语)。它最重要的成分是含有γ-亚麻酸油,这种必需脂肪酸,对生殖系统非常有帮助。在食用上,它抗老化的功能也渐渐被发掘,所以对多发性硬化症、关节炎、高血压与胆固醇过高都有效。玛莎玫瑰果油
英文名:Rose HipOil 拉丁学名:Rosamosqueta
强化组织功效,产生活络组织作用,容易渗透真皮层,保湿,促进肌肤光滑美白之功效。对细胞再生,修护及愈合有极佳的作用。 它能使皮肤色素淡化,重现均匀色调,使皮肤平滑。它能保持皮肤清洁,柔软、嫩滑、湿润、紧缩,结实,富有弹性、丰丽的作用。特别对一般粗糙皮肤更见功效。 玫瑰果油主要效用: 疤痕:修护面部及手术后留下疤痕的痘疤,平滑凸凹孔洞,收紧毛孔,溶解黑头。 皱纹:防止皱纹,包括眼部鱼尾纹,妊娠纹,体纹,并能在短期内将皱纹及幼纹等暗淡及消除,助御老化,延缓衰老出现。 黑斑:预防黑斑,雀斑及黄褐斑的形成,使黑斑淡化至消失,恢复洁白美丽。 烧伤:一般烧伤或烫伤可减轻痛楚及伤口快速复原。 晒伤:猛烈太阳太久晒伤,用后迅速减低痛楚并消除红肿。 干糙:使粗糙干湿肌肤,干竭爆烈顽固皮肤及富贵手平滑湿润,防止水份流失保护层,恢复肌肤原有细致的光泽。 痕痒:消除一般性皮肤痕痒,对干性皮肤极有帮助。 胎印:一般时间太久之胎印需时较长,如近期留下之胎疤及脂肪粒便能短期内淡退。 护发:滋润保湿秀发及修补干燥开叉及损坏之头发。 红肿:凡有蚊伤、咬伤,皮肤敏感引致皮肤红肿可迅速消除痛苦并尽快愎原。 护肤:每天用2滴玫瑰果油就算没皮肤问题都能修护皮肤,更加丰丽。玫瑰果油的美容应用
1、修复功能:消除疤痕和麻点 玫瑰果精油对因痤疮、手术、烧伤、水痘、伤口和切口导致的皮肤损伤疤痕都有效,溶解黑头,收缩毛孔,消除红肿红斑,玫瑰果油强有力的细胞再生和伤口愈合功能有助于健康、正常皮肤的生长,替代疤痕组织。它不仅能重新构造损坏了的皮肤结构,而且还能改善皮肤的颜色和弹性。 2、紧肤除皱功能:防止皮肤老化 玫瑰果油能通过促进表皮细胞的活性来提高皮肤再生和更新能力,从而停止和扭转皮肤老化产生的典型症状如皱纹、眼角皱纹和松弛,随着老化现象的消失,面部皮肤就会变得紧实和光滑些。玫瑰果油能修复和替代被撕扯了的皮肤组织,有效地减少萎缩纹的出现,收缩消除妊娠纹,使皮肤的颜色更加适中。消除黑眼圈眼袋等. 3、美白功能:减轻色素沉着 它能促进皮肤增生新细胞的能力,随着新的细胞代替老化的细胞,色素沈着斑点就会逐渐减轻。玫瑰果油还能减轻由于妊娠导致的色素,修复晒伤皮肤,淡化黑斑雀斑,恢复嫩白面孔. 4、营养保湿功能:重新保湿干燥的皮肤 四五十岁皮肤所分泌的油脂比20多岁时减少了 10 倍,由于皮肤油脂分泌的减少和保湿功能的消失就会导致干燥脱水以及皱纹的产生。玫瑰果油能恢复脂肪酸和水分之间的最佳平衡,重新保湿干燥的皮肤。 5、护发养发 它能恢复头发的光泽和自然柔性,有效改善被酊剂、染色剂、吹风,过度的日晒和其他不良环境物损害了的头发的质地和外观。 6、用于皮肤的日常护理 用于皮肤的日常护理效果也很棒。只需使用2-3滴就能对肌肤起到额外的抗衰老护理作用。 极品玫瑰果油是 100% 天然纯净的浓缩产品,是有机生长的玫瑰果油。高纯度,多不饱和脂肪酸,无污染玫瑰果油,容易吸收且不留油污残迹。这种玫瑰果油曾被用于研究,这项研究确定了它的活性成分的有效性和它的卓越的性能。 使用说明:每天用两次(早上和晚上)。挤出 2-3 滴至指尖上再轻轻按摩在患处皮肤上。玫瑰果油适用于面部和身体的所有部位包括眼周。(不适用于多油性皮肤和患痤疮处皮肤)