当前位置: 首页 > 化工词典 S> 环戊二烯基钠


产品名称: 环戊二烯基钠
CAS Registry Number: 4984-82-1
EINECS: 225-636-8  
别名: 环戊二烯基钠;
分子式: C5H5Na
分子量: 88.08
密度:  0.946 g/mL at 20 °C
沸点:  41.5°Cat760mmHg
闪点:  °C
风险术语:  11-19-34
安全声明:  Ignites spontaneously in air. Evaporation of a solution leaves a pyrophoric residue. Mixture with lead(II)nitrate may be explosive above 100°C. When heated to decomposition it emits toxic fumes of Na2O.
危险品标志:  F: Flammable;Xi: Irritant;
