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Drostanolone Propionate Testosterone Steroid

  • Product NameDrostanolone Propionate Testosterone Steroid
    CAS No.521-12-0
    Min Quantity2000Kilograms
  • View Contact Detail
  • CAS No:521-12-0 Dromostanolone propionate
    Molecular Structure

    Detailed Description

    rostanolone Propionate Testosterone Steroid Hormone Masteron Assay 99% CAS 521-12-0

    Quick Detail:
    Drostanolone Propionate ( Masteron )
    CAS: 521-12-0
    Molecular Weight:360.53
    Molecular Formula:C23H36O3
    Assay: 99%
    Package: 1kg/foil bag
    Appearance: White crystalline powder
    Drostanolone Propionate ( Masteron ) CAS: 521-12-0 Drostanolone Propionate ( Masteron ) CAS: 521-12-0 Drostanolone
    Propionate ( Masteron ) CAS: 521-12-0 Drostanolone Propionate ( Masteron ) CAS: 521-12-0 Drostanolone Propionate (
    Masteron ) CAS: 521-12-0

    Much like Proviron, Masteron could be used as an anti-side-effect-drug (remember, most ancillary drugs we use to combat estrogenic sides, like nolvadex, letrozole, and arimidex were
    originally developed to combat breast cancer…and thats exactly what Masteron was developed and used for). Along a
    similar line, being a DHT (DiHydroTestosterone)
    derivative, its got a very nice ability to add muscle hardness to an already lean physique. Drostanolone Propionate helps
    eliminate fat as well (if not better) than much more highly scored androgens, in part due to its being a derivative of DHT.
    Masteron is derived from DHT, could be used as an anti-estrogenic drug, clearly it doesn’t convert to estrogen and actually
    works to reduce it in your body, can possibly cause hairloss and other DHT-related sides, is great for all types of athletes and
    BB’ers, but not women in high doses, it stacks well with almost anything, is very androgenic, awesome for losing fat and
    getting “hard”, and should be used at around 400-500mgs/week. It’s no surprise that it’s many people’s favourite steroid.

    Below are some example cycles using
    Masteron Drostanolone Propionate can be pretty much incorporated into any cycle containing testosterone (see
    Testosterone as an Anabolic Steroid). The dosages that should be used with Masteron are:
    350-500mg per week (propionate version, injected every other day)
    400-600mg per week (enanthate version, injected twice per week)

    An example of an excellent cutting cycle for an advanced user would be: (6-10 weeks)
    150mg Testosterone propionate every other day
    50mg Trenbolone acetate every day (or 100mg every other day)
    150mg Masteron (propionate) every other day
    50mg Winstrol every day, last 4 weeks of cycle only
    Of course with such an intermediate/advanced cycle, the user could also incorporate other medicines such as Clenbuterol,
    Ephedrine, T3, growth hormone, IGF, etc.
    A more novice cutting cycle may consist of: (6-8 weeks)
    100mg Testosterone propionate every other day
    100mg Masteron (propionate) every other day
  • Drostanolone Propionate Testosterone Steroid
  • Drostanolone Propionate Testosterone Steroid