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D-bol First Oral Anabolic Steroid Methandrostenolone 72-63-9 for Muscle Building

  • Product Name D-bol First Oral Anabolic Steroid Methandrostenolone 72-63-9 for Muscle Building
    CAS No.72-63-9
    Min Quantity2000Kilograms
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  • CAS No:72-63-9 Metandienone
    Molecular Structure

    Detailed Description

    Dianabol (Methandrostenolone/Metandienone)

    skype:tracyxu123 email tracy at ycphar dot com

    CAS: 72-63-9
    Assay :97-103
    Appearance: white powder
    Package: foil bag
    Delivery: Express courier.
    Usage: Steroid, as a male hormone and anabolic hormones, use for bodybuilding muscle supplements.

    1. It is one of the oldest anabolic steroids ever created and since its appearance it has remained one of the most popular of all time and for good reason; there is truly nothing else quite like it.

    2. Dianabol or Dbol as it is commonly known was the first oral anabolic steroid ever created.

    3. Originally and to this day a favorite among competitive bodybuilders and power lifters for its ability to add massive amounts of raw size and strength, since its inception Dianabol has found a more than welcomed home in almost every athletic circle and just as its demand was high in the 1960s its demand remains high today if not higher.

    4. Highly anabolic with a moderate androgenic nature Dianabol is comprised of the active steroidal hormone Methandrostenolone.

    5. Well-suited for gains in both strength and size, by its very nature Dianabol by way of action through the androgen receptors greatly and dramatically increases protein synthesis and glycogenolysis, much more so than most other anabolic steroids and at a much faster rate.

    6. An anabolic steroid that generally comes in an oral tablet form, it can be found in an oral liquid state and even as an injectable solution but both are rare and 99% of all Methandrostenolone will be in the oral tablet form.


    For the majority of performance enhancers Dianabol will be used during an off-season bulking cycle.
    The dosing of Dianabol can vary greatly but we can safely say to see any true anabolic affect 20mg per day will prove to be the minimal dose with 100mg per day being the maximal dose ever used and only used in certain circumstances by experienced steroid users.

    For the majority of performance enhancing athletes 50mg per day will prove to be all the Dbol they ever need and in some cases more than they need; if you are only looking for a slight bump in performance or size 50mg may indeed be too much.

    For the beginner most will find 20-30mg per day to be all they need and in many cases all they ever want.

  •  D-bol First Oral Anabolic Steroid Methandrostenolone 72-63-9 for Muscle Building
  • D-bol First Oral Anabolic Steroid Methandrostenolone 72-63-9 for Muscle Building