Magnolol 90%-98%
Molecular Structure
Detailed Description
CAS Number: 528-43-8
Botanical source:Bark of Magnolia officinalis Rehd. et Wils., or M. Officinalis var. biloba Rehd. et Wils.
Extract method: Grain Alcohol
Appearance:Light brown fine powder.
1. Anti-bacterial, antibiotic, anti-virus, Anti-inflammatory, antiulcer and the strongest inhibitory effect on Staphylococcus aureus
2. Anti-tumor, anti-cancer, anti- Oxide
3. Leukaemia treatment, inhibition platelet aggregation
4. A significant, long-lasting central muscle relaxation, inhibition of the central nervous system
5. Analgesics disease and treatment dental caries
6. Improve sleep
7. Prevent stress the role of dysfunction of the stomach
8. May enhance cholinergic function
9. The hypotensive effect
10. Relieve Stress
11. Induce Ca2+ mobilization in rat cortical neurons and human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells

- Magnolol 90%-98%