Landmark Nutraceuticals Co., Limited

Landmark Nutraceuticals Co., Limited

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  • Country/region: China
  • Contact Person: Ms.Candice Fang
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Testosterone Cypionate

  • CAS No:58-20-8 Testosterone cypionate
    Molecular Structure

    Detailed Description

    English name : Testosterone Cypionate
    Alias: Testosterone Cyclopentylpropionate
    CAS No.: 58-20-8
    Molecular formula: C27H40O3
    Molecular weight: 412.61
    Purity: 98%min
    Characters: White powder.
    Use: This product is an optimal one for courses aimed at significant gain of muscle bulk. It combines well with both, oral and injectable versions of metandienone, as well as with nandrolones of any type.
  •  Testosterone Cypionate
  • Testosterone Cypionate