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Fat Loss Steroids T3/ Liothyronine Sodium CAS 55-06-1 Anti Aging Steroids Hormone Powder

  • Product NameFat Loss Steroids T3/ Liothyronine Sodium CAS 55-06-1 Anti Aging Steroids Hormone Powder
    CAS No.51-48-9
    Min Quantity200Kilograms
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  • CAS No:51-48-9 (2S)-2-amino-3-[4-(4-hydroxy-3,5-diiodophenoxy)-3,<br />5-diiodophenyl]propanoic acid
    Molecular Structure

    Detailed Description

    Fat Loss Steroids T3/ Liothyronine Sodium CAS 55-06-1 Anti Aging Steroids Hormone Powder

    Quick details:

    Name: Liothyronine Sodium
    Alia: 3,5,3',5'-Tetraiodo-L-thyronine
    CAS NO: 51-48-9
    Molecular formula: C15H11I4NO4
    Molecular Weight: 776.87
    Content:(%): 99%
    Loss on Drying: Not more than 4.0%
    Appearance: An odorless, almost white or buff colored powder


    Levothyroxine, also L-thyroxine or T4, is a synthetic form of the thyroid hormone thyroxine, which is normally secreted by the follicular cells of the thyroid gland. It is also used to treat thyroid hormone deficiency, and occasionally to prevent the recurrence of thyroid cancer. Like its naturally secreted counterpart.

    Cytomel is commonly used in conjunction with Clenbuterol and can produce extremely dramatic results. This combination has become very popular in recent years, no doubt responsible for many "ripped" on-stage physiques. It is also noted by many that when thyroid hormones are taken in conjunction with steroids, an increased anabolic effect can be seen (noticeably greater than if the steroids are used alone). This is likely due to faster utilization of proteins by the body, increasing the rate for new muscle accumulation

    If you are interested in our products, feel free to contact us:

    Skype: holybiological02

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  • Fat Loss Steroids T3/ Liothyronine Sodium CAS 55-06-1 Anti Aging Steroids Hormone Powder
  • Fat Loss Steroids T3/ Liothyronine Sodium CAS 55-06-1 Anti Aging Steroids Hormone Powder