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Boldenone Undecylenate Boldenone Undecylenate Boldenone Undecylenate BU WhatsApp: +8615071476168 Equipoise Body Building Steroids

  • Product NameBoldenone Undecylenate Boldenone Undecylenate Boldenone Undecylenate BU WhatsApp: +8615071476168 Equipoise Body Building Steroids
    CAS No.13103-34-9
    Min Quantity300Kilograms
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  • CAS No:13103-34-9 Boldenone undecylenate
    Molecular Structure

    Detailed Description

    Boldenone Undecylenate Boldenone Undecylenate Boldenone Undecylenate BU WhatsApp: +8615071476168 Equipoise Body Building Steroids

    Product Details:

    Product name: Boldenone Undecylenate
    Alias: Equipoise, EQ,Ganabol,Equigan,Ultragan,Boldenone undecanoate
    CAS ID: 13103-34-9
    Einecs No: 236-024-5
    MF: C30H44O3
    MW: 452.67
    Appearance: light yellow viscous liquid
    Shipment: EMS, DHL, FedEx, etc.


    ldenone Undecylenate (Equipoise) is a steroid compound that can give users slow but steady gains during a cycle. It is also relatively safe with very few reports of the side effects caused by testosterones conversion into estrogen.

    Due to its chemical structure, Boldenone does not demonstrate much in the way of estrogen related side effects. Women occasionally experiment with this compound as well in the neighborhood of 25-50 mgs/week. Side effects are few with Boldenone, aside from an increased appetite and an increase in RBC count the most significant side effect reported from users is the suppression of the HPTA - a side effect of practically all anabolic steroids. Gynecomastia is possible, especially with those sensitive this side effect but can be managed with either a SERM or an AI. With larger long running doses the increase in red blood count may be so profound that blood pressure and increased risk of clotting become a concern. Supplements that encourage blood thinning and/or making a stop at the blood donor clinic are often considered by boldenone users.


    Boldenone Undeclynate has become a very popular steroid with athletes and bodybuilders due to the fact that it has very low side effects and has anabolic properties which promote a steady gain in quality muscle mass over time. The steroid was tagged with the name Equipose? When it first became available as a veterinary steroid and was widely used in racehorses.

    EQ, as it is often called, can be effectively incorporated in both "cutting" and "bulking" cycles due to the well balanced effects of this anabolic substance. This steroid aromatizes very little, and therefore produces almost no estrogenic side effects such as water retention or "gyno" (the development of female tissue under the nipples in males resulting in unattractive and often painful lumps in this area), and therefore is a favorite among bodybuilders who are looking to make solid gains without the extra bloat, or are nearing contest.

    This steroid also dramatically increases protein synthesis and red blood cell count meaning that nutrients are transported throughout the body much more effectively. Because of this, Equipose? Is able to make much more use of less food, enhancing its capabilities as an effective steroid to use when "cutting" and a bodybuilder is trying to reduce calories to get into contest shape. Also, the increased red blood cell count caused by this steroid also increases oxygen transportation throughout the body, thus giving athletes and bodybuilders much more endurance and the capability to endure cardio sessions for much longer periods of time, which obviously makes this drug even more popular among those looking to shed bodyfat.

    Our Advantages:

    1. We are a professional manufacturer of raw steroid powders from China. Our company has been specialized in this field for many years and won great reputation in all of our customers.
    2. our products have exported to US, Brazil, Canada, Germany, UK, Spain, France, Norway, Romania, Italy, Australia and many other areas. We build long-term cooperation relationship with all of the customers.
    3. Could be shipped out within 24 hours after received the payment.
    4. High quality, best price, first-class service, high successful delivery rate.

  • Boldenone Undecylenate Boldenone Undecylenate Boldenone Undecylenate BU WhatsApp: +8615071476168 Equipoise Body Building Steroids
  • Boldenone Undecylenate Boldenone Undecylenate Boldenone Undecylenate BU WhatsApp: +8615071476168 Equipoise Body Building Steroids