Hubei Holy Biological Co.,Ltd

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Dianabol Metandienone Trenbolone Acetate Metandienone Steroid

  • Product NameDianabol Metandienone Trenbolone Acetate Metandienone Steroid
    CAS No.10161-34-9
    Min Quantity200Kilograms
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  • CAS No:10161-34-9 Trenbolone acetate
    Molecular Structure

    Detailed Description

    Dianabol Metandienone

    Product Details:

    1, CAS NO.: 72-63-9
    2, Alias: Dianabole, Encephan, Geabol, Metanabol, Metandienon, Metandienonum, Metandrostenolon, Metandrostenolone, Metastenol, Methandrolone, Naposim, Nerobol, Nerobolettes, NSC-42722, Protobolin, Stenolon, Stenolone, Sterolon, 1-dehydro-17-methyl-Metandiemone
    3, Purity: 99%
    4, Character: White powder
    5, Standard: Enterprise Standard


    Metandienone (Dianabol) is the most well known Steroid in existance today and was considered by Arnold schwarzenegger to be the 'breakfast of champions'. Dianabol is a very strong compound and takes very litle time to take effect, by two weeks you will be noticing huge effects from this drug.
    One of the great benefits of Dianabol is its ability to make one feel good inside, confident and powerful. All three are vastly important in performing well in the gym and Dianabol will certainly make you perform well in the gym! In the gym you will notice huge gains in strength and you will find that your muscle fill very full and large, this is mostly due to the fact that it dramatically increases protein synthesis and nitrogen retention within the muscle cells. - training on Dianabol is a great experience.
    With regards to weight gains Dianabol is a champion at making the scales go up and almost nothing can do that faster than this compound. Because of this it is an ideal Steroid to take at the start of a Steroid cycle, what is known as a 'kick-start' and for this reason it is best used, and almost always used, in conjunction with injectable Steroids.
  • Dianabol Metandienone Trenbolone Acetate Metandienone Steroid
  • Dianabol Metandienone Trenbolone Acetate Metandienone Steroid