Wuhan Carphetin Chemical Co,.LTD

Wuhan Carphetin Chemical Co,.LTD

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  • Company Name: Wuhan Carphetin Chemical Co,.LTD
  • Country/region: China
  • Contact Person: Mr.Mark Wang
  • Tel: 86-27-81331412
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  • CAS No:434-07-1 Oxymetholone
    Molecular Structure

    Detailed Description

    Anadrol Oral Raw Hormone Powders Anadrol CAS No 434-07-1 for Muscle Building Oxymetholone

    CAS No.: 434-07-1
    MF: C21H32O3
    MW: 332.48
    Assay: 97.0%-103.0%
    Appearance: white crystalline powder
    Usage: Anadrol 50, also referred to as A50, is a very potent oral androgen and a powerful steroid that produces very noticeable weight gains in a very short time. Unfortunately, it is also highly toxic in the liver and produces some very unfavorable side effects, such as headaches, and bloating.

    T:00862781331412 C:008618027562183
    Skype:mark (at)carphetin dot com
    Email:mark (at)carphetin dot com
  • Anadrol
  • Anadrol