BASF Golpanol HD electroplating intermediates
HD (2,5- hexyne diol)
CAS: 3031-66-1
Content: 80%
Packing: 115 kg / barrel
Uses: intermediate semi-bright nickel plating brightener main ingredients
Chemical properties: hexyne diol
Molar mass: 114.1g / mol
Appearance: Clear, yellow liquid
Concentration of 78-82%
Iodine colorimetric <15
Density 1.01-1.03g / cm3
PH (ISO 976,10%) 3.5-6.5
Solubility: Can be miscible with water in any proportion
Application: for the preparation of brightener additive plating industry, and as an inhibitor of anodized aluminum. As a bright and semi-bright nickel plating secondary brightener, its concentration in 0.1-0.3g / l