Molecular Structure
Detailed Description
Product name: Methyltestosterone
Alias: 17-Methyltestosterone,Metandren,Methitest
Brand names : Agovirin, Android, Mesteron, Metiltestosterone, Testormon, Metandren, Testovis, Virilon
CAS register number: 58-18-4
EINECS: 200-366-3
Molecular formula: C20H30O2
Molecular weight: 302.45
Melting Point: 162-168 °C
Assay: 98%
Grade:Pharmaceutical Grade
Methyltestosterone is a 17 alpha alkylated oral steroid that is a form of testosterone,it is the principle male sex hormone and an anabolic steroid found in mammals and conserved through most vertebrates, although fish make a slightly difference from called 11-ketotestosterone.It is primarily secreted in the tests of mails and the ovaries of female, although small amount are also secreted by the adrenal glands.
The methyltestosterone steroid is an oral form of testosterone. The oral testosterone is inactive, because a good part of it is used in the liver metabolism and it is decomposed, so only 5-10% will be present in blood. If you will analyze carefully, you will observe that this steroid is a 17-alfa methyltestosterone, meaning that on the C-17 molecule’s position is growing a methyl group, so the Methyltestosterone is decomposed and it is inactivated in the liver area .
Methyltestosterone Benefits
The steroid arrives in blood very fast and the disintegration period is very short. The Methyltestosterone is a steroid with a strong action because of its significant androgen effect. It is used especially when the aggressiveness has to be increased. The weightlifters use it before trainings and before important competitions because the androgen effect is observed after only one hour, befriending the aggressiveness, the overvaluation, the motivational impulse; these effects help them to lift more weights.
Methyltestosterone plays a key role in the development of male reproductive tissue such as the testis and prostates,it can promote the male sex organs and used in seedling stage sex change, and used as a feed additive to produce predominately male populations of tilapia.In addition, Methyltestosterone is essential for health and well-being as well as the prevention of osteoporosis.
Methyltestosterone Use/Dosing
Most inexperienced users will begin using methyltestosterone in doses of about 30-50mgs per day and adjust as needed. Due to the issues related to hepatoxicity it is recommended that users limit their use of this compound to only a few weeks. Limiting the usage of this drug to 4-6 weeks would help to avoid any serious complications that could become a problem in terms of liver toxicity.
The Methyltestosterone steroid utilization is restricted in bodybuilding because it isn’t good for a continual increase of force and musculature. Usually, bodybuilders use Dianabol. Those who want to try the concoction’s effects just once, will have a sudden flow of energy and will have a seriously weight increase, because of the significant water accumulation. The athletes's silhouette becomes solid and hefty only for a short time, while the water is maintained in the organism.
Side Effects
The Methyltestosterone steroid, next to Anapolon steroid, is the most toxic oral steroid. The hypertension, liver disturbances, acne or the ginaecomasthy are the most frequent side effects of Methyltestosterone.
In principle, those side effects can be diminished if the trainee use Nolvadex and Proviron.