Molecular Structure
Detailed Description
most crevice penetration of Parylene AF4 film
Unmatched UV stability
Excellent Thermal Stability at High Service Temperature (350 ℃)
Completely Conformal Coating
Superior Crevice Penetration , Pin Hole Free
Barrier Properties
Chemical insolubility and Solvent Resistant
Low Water Absorption ,Hydrophobic Properties
Low Gas Permeability , No out-gassing
Physical & Mechanical Properties
Lightweight and Ultra-thin
Low Coefficient of Friction , Good Lubricity , Anti- stick
Abrasion Resistance
Stabilization of Components and Structures
Particulate Immobilization
Electrical Properties
Electrical insulation
High Dielectric Strength, High Volume Resistivity ,Surface Resistivity
Low Dissipation Factor
Low Dielectric Constant
Biocompatibility and Bio-stability

- Octafluoro-(2,2)-paracyclophane