The Feldspar Corp.

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Contact us

  • Company Name: The Feldspar Corp.
  • Street: A Zemex Industrial Minerals Company, 1040 Crown Pointe Parkway, Suite 270, Atlanta, GA, 30338, USA
  • City: Atlanta
  • Province/state: GA
  • Country/region: United States
  • Tel: 770-392-8660
  • Fax: 770-392-8670
  • Email:

Contact Information

Company Name: The Feldspar Corp.
Street Address: A Zemex Industrial Minerals Company, 1040 Crown Pointe Parkway, Suite 270, Atlanta, GA, 30338, USA
City: Atlanta
Province/State: GA
Country/Region: United States
Zip: 30338
Telephone: 770-392-8660
Fax: 770-392-8670