Company Info
Wuxi Zhufeng Fine Chemical Co.,Ltd is an exceedingly scientific and technological enterprise, which researches, develops and manufactures specially high effective and new-type anti-mildew reagents, antiseptic and bactericides.
The products of company can be divided into four groups:
(1)Anti-mildew reagents, antiseptic and bactericides.
(2)Medical intermediates
(3)Botanical component medicine and other special fine chemicals
The high effective and new-type anti-mildew reagents, antiseptic and bactericides supplied by Wuxi Zhufeng Fine Chemical Co. Ltd can be used in daily products, coating and paint ,farming chemicals and various industrial and agricultural goods. The plant has established cooperation relationship with several famous universities, owned a lot of rich experience specialists on manufacturing anti-mildew reagents, antiseptic and bactericides and equipped advanced facilities. The analytical methods are scientific and strict. The product quality is excellent. Their users are through all of the world.
Wuxi Zhufeng Fine Chemical Co.,Ltd was set up in 1989 and it is located at the coast of Taihu and situated in the crossing area of Hu-Nin railway, 312 National road and Xi-Yi express-highway.His purpose is providing good service and enjoying fine prestige. Welcome to Wuxi Zhufeng Fine Chemical Co.,Ltd.