Company Info
Hampford Research is a custom chemical manufacturer serving the electronic, dental, optical lens and adhesive industries. Hampford Research was established in 1982 as a manufacturer specializing in photochemicals and radiation cured monomers. Since inception, the company has been committed to continuously improving our products, processes, and services. This basic philosophy of Continuous Improvement has been instrumental in establishing Hampford Research?s reputation of Quality Excellence in the manufacture of specialty chemicals. Hampford Research is dedicated to the development of innovative technologies. Appropriately, we attach particular importance to continuous investments into both personnel and capital. We maintain versatile kilo, pilot and large scale manufacturing capabilities to complement our research and development laboratories. As a true custom chemical manufacturer, we pride ourselves on our ability to meet or exceed our customers? specifications. Our well equipped and ably staffed analytical lab is the cornerstone of our high quality manufacturing facility. As a full member of SOCMA, the Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing Association, we operate our facility under the Responsible Care program. Responsible Care is a series of six Management Practices providing measurable guidelines to member companies which assist them to operate their facilities in a way that is beneficial to its workers, community and the environment.