Company Info
Toroma Organics Ltd. is a young company committed to becoming your preferredpartner for custom synthesis, custom research and chemical consulting aswell as your favorite supplier of elaborate substances from diverse areas oflife science. Our expertise lies in the production of boronic acids andboronic acid esters, carbohydrate derivatives, flavonoids and phenylpropanederivatives, heterocycles and fluorescent dyes. We plan to enlarge our product list in the forthcoming months and continueto offer building blocks and tailor-made catalysts that we producedaccording to our customers' needs. If you fail to find the product of yourdesire in our catalogue don't hesitate to ask us about availability. In casewe do not offer a certain compound we would be glad to produce it for you onrequest. Our team of experienced scientists is keen on assisting you in allfields of chemical synthesis, catalysis and the development and optimizationof biologically active agents.