Company Info
PharmaZell GmbH is entirely focused on manufacturing and supplying Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs) and Intermediates to the pharmaceutical industry.PharmaZell offers a wide range of standard API?s andIntermediates as well as Custom Manufacturing and Development Services to its clients.PharmaZell is committed and equipped to meet pharmaceutical formulation requirements of its customers by developing andmanufacturing tailor made particle forms and sizes.PharmaZell operates cGMP sites in Raubling, Germany and Chennai, India with 250 employees. The combination of a German and Indian site generate flexibility in manufacturingand cost structure.PharmaZell has a track record of 30 years with the FDA.The last inspection at Raubling took place in December, 2003 with no form 483 issued. Both sites have been inspected by the German authorities and German GMP certificates are available for all API's.PharmaZell supplies its products through an international sales organization that includes own employees as well as agents.PharmaZell develops innovative processes through its R&D groups that cover both lab and pilot scale.