Company Info
Oakwood Products, Inc. is a small-scale fine organics manufacturing facility located in West Columbia, South Carolina. Oakwood produces a wide range of organics with particular emphasis on fluoro-organics, sulfur compounds and heterocyclics. In addition to an extensive product list of over 12,000 compounds, Oakwood also specializes in custom synthesis to fit the customer?s needs. Manufacturing is the lifeblood of Oakwood Products. Oakwood has both kilo-lab facilities and small scale reactors. Custom synthesis has always been a significant part of Oakwood's production. About half of Oakwood?s manufacturing effort is devoted to custom synthesis. The custom synthesis department can supply quantities ranging from grams to hundreds of kilos. Competitive prices and timely delivery of product made to the customer?s specifications are a trademark of Oakwood?s. Oakwood?s chemists can work with the customer?s process or they will develop a process that is both cost effective and yields the purest product. Oakwood?s pilot plant is a multi-purpose unit capable of producing a wide range of compounds using a large number of reaction types such as diazonium chemistry and Grignard reactions. Oakwood routinely works with compounds such as bromine, thionyl chloride and phosphorus pentachloride in the pilot plant. Oakwood is more than capable of scaling building blocks from lab scale to multi-kilos. Because the pilot plant is versatile, turnaround times are kept to a minimum. Oakwood has a well equipped analytical laboratory for qualification of raw materials, in-process work, and analysis of final products.