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Contact us

  • Company Name: AZASYNTH
  • Street: AZASYNTH
    Cap Alpha, 6 avenue de l?europe
    34830 Clapiers
  • Country/region: France
  • Tel: +33 (0)4 67 14 40 22
  • Fax: +33 (0)4 67 14 40 22
  • Email:

Company Info

Azasynth is a company specialized in the synthesis of unique heterocyclic building blocks and final products libraries. Our products are intended for research laboratories in pharmaceuticals, biotechs and agrochemicals industries. Using our expertise in the field of heterocyclic chemistry, especially in the chemistry of azaindoles, we derive novel products which are often supplied exclusively by our company. Our services including custom synthesis and contract chemisty provide our specific expertise to support Research programs.We have also activity in the synthesis of focused libraries. Focused libraries products are designed using in silico design platforms which are highly impacted by medicinal chemistry knowledge. All the products in our focused libraries are dedicated to both hit identification and lead optimization stages in a drug discovery project.
Basic Information
Company Name: AZASYNTH
Business Type: Manufacturer
Company Website URL:

Factory Information

Factory Location: AZASYNTH
Cap Alpha, 6 avenue de l?europe
34830 Clapiers
France,, France