Title: Toliprolol
CAS Registry Number: 2933-94-0
CAS Name: 1-[(1-Methylethyl)amino]-3-(3-methylphenoxy)-2-propanol
Synonyms: 1-(isopropylamino)-3-(
m-tolyloxy)-2-propanol; 1-(3-methylphenoxy)-3-(isopropylamino)-2-propanol; 1-(3-methylphenoxy)-2-hydroxy-3-isopropylaminopropane; MHIP
Molecular Formula: C13H21NO2
Molecular Weight: 223.31
Percent Composition: C 69.92%, H 9.48%, N 6.27%, O 14.33%
Literature References: b-Adrenergic blocker. Prepn:
NL 6409883; H. Koppe
et al., US 3459782 (1965, 1969 both to Boehringer, Ing.);
NL 6410522; R. Howe,
US 3432545 (1965, 1969 both to I.C.I.). The (-)-isomer is the more potent adrenergic b-receptor antagonist. Resolution of isomers: Howe, Rao,
J. Med. Chem. 11, 1118 (1968). Structure-activity studies: Crowther
et al., ibid. 12, 638 (1969); Somani, Laddu,
Eur. J. Pharmacol. 14, 209 (1971). Metabolism: Stock, Westermann,
Biochem. Pharmacol. 14, 227 (1965). Review of pharmacology and clinical data: Marmo
et al., Clin. Ter. 62, 11-51, 117-163 (1972).
Properties: Crystals from ethyl acetate-petr ether, mp 75-76°. Also reported as mp 79°.
Melting point: mp 75-76°; mp 79°
Derivative Type: Hydrochloride
CAS Registry Number: 306-11-6
Manufacturers' Codes: ICI-45763; Ko-592
Trademarks: Doberol (Boehringer, Ing.); Sinorytmal (Giulini)
Molecular Formula: C13H22NO2.HCl
Molecular Weight: 260.78
Percent Composition: C 59.87%, H 8.89%, N 5.37%, O 12.27%, Cl 13.59%
Properties: Crystals from ethanol-ether, mp 120-121°. uv max (water): 270 nm (E1%1cm 49.8).
Melting point: mp 120-121°
Absorption maximum: uv max (water): 270 nm (E1%1cm 49.8)
Therap-Cat: Antianginal, antihypertensive.
Keywords: ?Adrenergic Blocker; Antianginal; Antihypertensive; Aryloxypropanolamine Derivatives.