Title: Tofisopam
CAS Registry Number: 22345-47-7
CAS Name: 1-(3,4-Dimethoxyphenyl)-5-ethyl-7,8-dimethoxy-4-methyl-5
Manufacturers' Codes: EGYT-341
Trademarks: Grandaxin (EGYT); Seriel (Biogalenique)
Molecular Formula: C22H26N2O4
Molecular Weight: 382.45
Percent Composition: C 69.09%, H 6.85%, N 7.32%, O 16.73%
Literature References: The first 5
H-2,3-benzodiazepine. Prepn: J. Korosi
et al., HU 155572 (1969 to Pharm. Res. Inst.),
C.A. 70, 115026a (1969);
GB 1202579 corresp to
US 3736315 (1970, 1973 both to EGYT); J. Korosi, T. Lang,
Ber. 107, 3883 (1974). Synthesis and conformation:
eidem, Ther. Hung. 23, 132 (1975). FT 13C NMR study: A. Neszmelyi
et al., Ber. 107, 3894 (1974). Pharmacology: L. Petocz, I. Kosoczky,
Ther. Hung. 23, 134 (1975). Human pharmacokinetics: S. Ronai
et al., ibid. 139. Comparative efficacy: H. L. Goldberg, R. J. Finnerty,
Am. J. Psychiatry 136, 196 (1979).
Properties: Colorless to light cream cryst powder from isopropyl alcohol, mp 156-157°. uv max (methanol): 310, 272, 239 nm (e 16100, 11200, 26300).
Melting point: mp 156-157°
Absorption maximum: uv max (methanol): 310, 272, 239 nm (e 16100, 11200, 26300)
Therap-Cat: Anxiolytic.
Keywords: Anxiolytic; Benzodiazepine Derivatives.