The function of CMC in food:
Whter retention: Rduce the dehydration and contraction of food,to extend the shelf life of food;
Flim forming properties:The formation of a layer of plastic film in fried food,to prevent excessive absorption of fat;
Chemical stability:The chemation,thermal and light stability,has certain anti mildew properties;
Thickening property:Obtain high viscosity at low concentration.Can control the viscosity of food pro-cessing, while giving food lubrication;
Dispersion stability:Maintain the stability of food quality,prevent oil-water stratification(emulsification),control the size of crytals in frozen foods(reduce ice crystals)
One: Appliction in dairy prducts prevent milk protein,casein and other condensation and stratifi-cation;Evenly dispersed maintain the stability of the dairy quality;Prolong the shelf life of dairy prducts.
Two: Application in ice cream:Prevent ice crystal growth,improve the expansion rate;Resistance to melt,shape,improve the taste;Reduce the use of soild raw mate-rials,reduce the cost of produc-tion of ice cream;Make water,fat,protein,such as the formation of a auniform,dis-persed and stable mixture.
Therr: Application in bread:Make the bread honeycomb;Increase volume,decrease the bread dregs,and prevent the bread because of lack of water to maintain the appearance of shape;Make the bread presents a soft,sweet,soft characteristics.
Fore: Application in instant noodles Resistance to boiling; Delicate taste,lubriation;Increase the toughness of noodles;Save oil,reduce production costs
Five: Others:Food grade CMC and other similar products have:High salt tolerance;High grade of transpar-ency;Very few fiber,less gel par-ticles;The solution disolve fast,the solution is of good fluidity,and the molecular distribution is uniform;The CMC reached 99.5%,high purity,to ensure that food form other materials
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