Product Details
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Item specifics
- CAS No: 68855-54-9
- Weight: 60.084
- Formula: O2 Si
- Melting Point: 3110 deg F
- Boiling Point: 4046 deg F
- Density: 0.47 g/cm3 (loose weight)(lit.)
Veckridge Chemical Company, Inc. is a full service chemical distributor established in 1949 by Ernest Veca. VCC incorporated in 1964 and was bought out by the Veca children in 1979. VCC is currently run by four of the six Veca children. Mark Veca as the President, Robert Veca as Vice President/sales marketing, Margaret Veca as treasurer and Thomas Veca as secretary of the company. VCC currently employs eighteen people with annual sales of fourteen million. VCC owns and operates four trucks with ...
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Basic Information
- Business Type: Manufacturer
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