Product Name: Formestane
Alias: Lentaron
CAS register number: 566-48-3
Molecular formula: C19H26O3
Molecular Weight:302.4126
Melting point: 199-202°C
Assay: 99%
Appearance: white or light green crystalloid
Grade:Pharmaceutical Grade
Formestane (lentaron, chemical name: 4-hydroxyandrostenedione) is a type I steroidal aromatase inhibitor (AI). It was developed for use in treatment of estrogen-receptor-positive breast cancer in post-menopausal women. For medical purposes, it is made in intramuscular depot form and injected. It is not used in oral form due to poor bioavailability, which makes the oral version inferior to aromasin, letrozole, and arimidex.
Decreasing SHBG
According to studies, formestane can lower SHBG up to 34%, which will increase free testosterone levels. SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin) is a protein that binds to sex steroids, and renders them inactive, for as long as SHBG is bound to them. There is a difference between ‘free’ testosterone, and ‘bound’ testosterone. Free testosterone is what matters, so lowering SHBG will increase ‘free’ testosterone. Higher testosterone means more strength, muscle mass, less body fat, better sense of well being, and libido.
Aromatase Inhibitor
Many anabolic steroids aromatize in the body into estrogen. The most common are deca durabolin, equipoise, testosterone, and dbol. If an AI is not used, estrogen will increase and potentially cause major problems with estrogenic side effects. The most common side effects of estrogen are gynecomastia (bitch tits), excessive water retention (moon face), high blood pressure (hypertension), and insomnia.
In addition, coming off cycle with estrogen levels that are too high can hinder recovery of the body’s HPTA, causing gains on cycle to be lost. Formestane, while being used, will permanently disable the aromatase enzyme, so that it does not rebound after cycle. Other AI’s, such as letrozole and arimidex will not stop estrogen rebound.
Formestane Dosage
The most common version of formestane sold was in a topical gel form and it was dosed at 100-200mgs per application. Users would apply it onto clean, dry skin and rub in thoroughly; usually on the thighs or upper arms. It took 1 to 5 minutes to dry.
The injectable version for both breast cancer purposes and bodybuilders is 125mgs twice per week or 250mgs once per week.
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