What is Garlic Extract?
Garlic is a member of the onion family and is nature's most versatile medicinal plant. Garlic has
been used all over the world for thousands of years for a wide range of conditions. It has been
prized since the first records of civilization for its uses in treating wounds,infections,tumors,and
intestinal parasites.
Main Functions:
1.Preventive against diseases and infection.
2.Helps prevent against heart disease and strokes
3.Help in the prevention of cancer
4.Improve immune function
5.Iower and help keep blood sugar stable
6.Iower cholesterol and blood pressure
7.Ttreat respiratory complaints such as asthma and chronic bronchitis.
8.Helps increase the body's ability to handle the digestion of meat and fats.
9.Helpful in getting rid of athlete's foot.
10.Relieves gas and other stomach complaints.
11.Used externally for cuts, wounds, and skin eruptions
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