Tamoxifen Citrate is a Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator (SERM) that was created in 1961 by ICI now known as AstraZenaca. There are numerous brands including generic forms of Tamoxifen Citrate on the market, but Nolvadex is the most well known. Often referred to as an anti-estrogen, Tamoxifen Citrate is actually both an antagonist and agonist. This means it will act as an anti-estrogen in certain areas of the body while acting as an estrogen in other areas.
Tamoxifen Citrate has been used medically for decades and has been highly successful in breast cancer treatment, specifically hormone-responsive breast cancer. It is also a medication that is used by many anabolic steroid users, but it is not a steroid. This is a drug steroid users will sometimes use during steroid use to help with estrogenic related side effects brought on by specific steroids. However, it is most commonly used during Post Cycle Therapy (PCT). PCT is the 3-6 week period following steroid use that is implemented in order to help with natural testosterone production that is suppressed during anabolic steroid use.
Description: (1)Similar with Clomid Nolvadex (tamoxifen citrate) is very comparable to Clomid, behaves in the same manner in all tissues, and is a mixed estrogen agonist/antagonist of the same type as Clomid. The two molecules are also very similar in structure. ...