Trenbolone Enanthate
Email: lisa(at)health-gym(dot)com
Skype: healthgym66
Alias:Trenbolone Enanthate Tren Enanthate Tren E
CAS No.: 10161-33-8
Molecular Formula: C25H34O3
Molecular weight: 382.54
MP: 72~78°C
Assay: 99%
Appearance: pale yellow or yellow crystalline powder
Usage: pharmaceutical material, Steroid hormone, Anabolin. As a male hormone and anabolic hormones.Trenbolone Enanthate is produced by underground labs to replace Parabolan and its obscure ester. This is an oil based steroid and is basically used for veterinary purposes and for bodybuilding & powerlifting.
Product introduction:
Trenbolone Enanthate is exclusively used to build up strength and mass. It is a viable compound for those who want to make minimal injections and at the same time use a nice lean-mass providing, non-aromatizing anabolic. Trenbolone Enanthate is only available from underground labs and was not designed for human consumption, although it is considered to be an ideal drug for bodybuilders who want to burn fat and gain muscle, although its long ester makes unwise for professional athletes who undergo testing to use.
Trenbolone's original intent was not performance enhancement but for the purpose of beefing up livestock and through this desire the hormone was born in the form of Finaplix (Fina) a subcutaneous implant that contained the hormone to be used in cattle. As you can easily see from its original intent, if the hormone was good for bulking up cattle it would be good for the same purpose in a human being and it was during the Golden Age of bodybuilding that it quickly rose to fame and popularity.
Common 100mg/mL Recipe for 100mL
10 gram Trenbolone Ethanate powder (7.5mL)
2mL BA (2%)
10mL BB (10%)
80.5mL Oil
Common 200mg/mL Recipe for 100mL
20 gram Trenbolone Ethanate powder (15mL)
2mL BA (2%)
15mL BB (15%)
68mL Oil
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