現在の位置: ホーム > 辞書 D> disodium


製品名称: disodium
CAS登録番号: 13755-38-9
EINECS: 238-373-9  
シノニム: dihydrate;pentacyanide;nitroxyl anion; 13755-38-9; DSSTox_GSID_41126;DSSTox_RID_79630; CAS-13755-38-9;iron(4+); Nitropress (TN); Sodium nitroferricyanide(III) dihydrate;disodium;
分子式: C5H4FeN6Na2O3
分子: 297.948199
密度:  1.72
沸点:  °Cat760mmHg
フラッシュポイント:  °C
リスクコード:  25
安全文:  Poison by ingestion, intraperitoneal, subcutaneous, and intravenous routes. The effects of this material are similar to that of nitrites, causing fall in blood pressure but no formation of methemoglobin. Large amounts, when taken internally, may form cyanide upon being metabolized. When heated to decomposition it emits toxic fumes of Na2O and NOx. See also CYANIDE.
ハザードシンボル:  T: Toxic;
