Title: Pseudobaptigenin
CAS Registry Number: 90-29-9
CAS Name: 3-(1,3-Benzodioxol-5-yl)-7-hydroxy-4
Synonyms: 7-hydroxy-3¢,4¢-(methylenedioxy)isoflavone
Molecular Formula: C16H10O5
Molecular Weight: 282.25
Percent Composition: C 68.09%, H 3.57%, O 28.34%
Literature References: The aglycon of pseudobaptisin. Prepn by hydrolysis of natural pseudobaptisin: Gorter,
Arch. Pharm. 235, 494 (1897). Structure: Sp?th, Schmidt,
Monatsh. Chem. 53, 454 (1929). Syntheses: Sp?th, Lederer,
Ber. 63, 743 (1930); Mahal
et al., J. Chem. Soc. 1934, 1771; Baker
et al., ibid. 1937, 805;
1953, 1852; Farkas,
Ber. 91, 2858 (1958); Dhoubhadel, Joshi,
J. Indian Chem. Soc. 52, 440 (1975).
Properties: Long, felted needles from alc, dec 296-298°. Sublimes in high vacuum at ~220°. Sparingly sol in the usual solvents.
Derivative Type: 7-Rhamnoglucoside trihydrate
Synonyms: Pseudobaptisin
Molecular Formula: C28H30O14.3H2O
Molecular Weight: 644.58
Percent Composition: C 52.17%, H 5.63%, O 42.20%
Properties: Crystals, becomes anhydr at 120°. mp 148-150° (evac tube). If heating is continued, it resolidif at 180-210° and melts again at 249-251°. [a]D14 -98.1° (c = 1.1 in methanol). Freely sol in methanol, hot water, hot acetone.
Melting point: mp 148-150° (evac tube). If heating is continued, it resolidif at 180-210° and melts again at 249-251°
Optical Rotation: [a]D14 -98.1° (c = 1.1 in methanol)