Title: Achillea
Synonyms: Milfoil; yarrow; thousand-leaf
Literature References: Flowering herb,
Achillea millefolium L.,
Compositae. Habit. Europe, Asia, naturalized in U.S. Extensively used as herbal remedy by many cultures. Constituents of plant and of the volatile oil may vary depending on origin of plant. Identification of constituents: Pailer, Kump,
Monatsh. Chem. 90, 395 (1959);
eidem, Arch. Pharm. 293, 646 (1960); A. J. Falk
et al., J. Nat. Prod. 37, 598 (1974); R. F. Chandler
et al., J. Pharm. Sci. 71, 690 (1982). Isoln of anti-inflammatory constituents: A. S. Goldberg,
J. Pharm. Sci. 58, 938 (1969). Phytopharmacology: J. P. Tewari
et al., Indian J. Med. Sci. 28, 331 (1974). Review of medicinal uses and composition: R. F. Chandler
et al., Econ. Bot. 36, 203-223 (1982); J. Gruenwald
et al., PDR for Herbal Medicines (Medical Economics, Montvale, 2nd Ed., 2000) pp 833-835.
Derivative Type: Volatile oil
CAS Registry Number: 8022-07-9
Synonyms: Oil of yarrow
Literature References: Obtained by steam distillation of leaves and tops.
Constit. Chamazulene (0-40%), camphor, b-pinene, cineol, caryophyllene.
Properties: Blue liquid. d2020 0.905-0.925. Insol in water; very sol in alc, ether.
Keep well closed, cool and protected from light.
Density: d2020 0.905-0.925
Use: In hair preparations and skin lotions for cleansing and to promote healing.
Therap-Cat: Carminative; cholagogue; antiseptic.