suppliers for India 8015-64-3,Angelica oil suppliers
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CAS No 8015-64-3 , Angelica oil Search by region : India

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8015-64-3 Angelica Root Oil

  • India Manus Aktteva null
  • Tel: +91-(79)-65123395
  • Fax: +91-(79)-26463395
  • Address: 303, 3rd Floor, Royale Manor, Law Garden, Dhulia Kot Road, Ellisbridge, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380006, null,nullIndia
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8015-64-3 Angelica Root Oil

  • India Vikas International [Manufacturers]
  • Tel: +1-(206)-203-5528
  • Fax: +1-(641)-827-0332
  • Address: null null,nullIndia
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8015-64-3 Angelica Root Oil

  • India Neelam Phyto-Extracts null
  • Tel: +91-(22)-25107923 / 55983967
  • Fax: +91-(22)-55031175 / 25162927
  • Address: Suite# 106, Kanara Business Centre, Ghatkopar east, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400077, null,nullIndia
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References of Angelica oil
Title: Angelica
Literature References: Tall, perennial, herbaceous plant, Angelica archangelica L., Umbelliferae. Habit. Europe, Asia. Medicinal parts are the seed, leaves and root. Constit. Root: Volatile oil (0.35-1.9%); more than 20 furanocoumarins including bergapten, angelicin, archangelicin, isoimperatorin, xanthotoxin; osthol, umbelliferone, flavonoids, sugars. Fruit: Volatile oil, furanocoumarins, fatty oil, phytosterols. Review of constituents and uses: V. E. Tyler, The Honest Herbal (Pharmaceutical Products Press, New York, 3rd Ed., 1993) pp 29-30; N. G. Bisset, M. Wichtl, Herbal Drugs and Phytopharmaceuticals, English Ed. (CRC Press, Boca Raton, 1994) pp 70-72; J. Gruenwald et al., PDR for Herbal Medicines (Medical Economics, Montvale, 2nd Ed., 2000) pp 32-34.
Derivative Type: Angelica root oil
CAS Registry Number: 8015-64-3
Literature References: Volatile oil obtained by steam distillation of the dried slender roots. Constit. Chiefly b-phellandrene (13-28%), a-phellandrene (2-14%), a-pinene (14-31%).
Properties: Pale yellow to deep amber liquid with warm, pungent odor and bittersweet taste. d2525 0.850-0.880. nD20 1.473-1.487. Acid value not more than 7.0. Rotation: 0° to +46°. Sol in most fixed oils, slightly sol in mineral oil. Relatively insol in glycerin, propylene glycol. Keep well closed, cool, and protected from light.
Index of refraction: nD20 1.473-1.487
Density: d2525 0.850-0.880
Derivative Type: Angelica seed oil
Literature References: Volatile oil obtained by steam distillation of the fresh seeds.
Properties: Light yellow liquid having a sweet, delicate aroma. d2525 0.853-0.876. nD20 1.480-1.488. Rotation: +4° to +16°. Acid value not more than 3.0. Keep well closed, cool, and protected from light.
Index of refraction: nD20 1.480-1.488
Density: d2525 0.853-0.876
Use: Flavoring for liqueurs and gin.
Therap-Cat: Carminative, diaphoretic, diuretic.