Title: Japan Wax
CAS Registry Number: 8001-39-6
Synonyms: Vegetable wax; sumach wax; Japan tallow
Literature References: A fat expressed from mesocarp of the fruit of
Rhus succedanea L.,
Anacardiaceae. Habit. Japan and China.
Constit. 10-15% palmitin; stearin, olein; 1% japanic acid and homologs. Brief review: C. S. Letcher in
Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology vol. 24 (Wiley-Interscience, New York, 3rd ed., 1984) p 470.
Properties: Pale yellow, flat cakes, disks or squares with a greasy feel; somewhat tallow-like, rancid odor and taste. d 0.97-0.98. mp 53.5-55°. Acid number 22-23. Saponification number 217-237. Iodine number 10-15. Insol in water or cold alcohol; sol in benzene, carbon disulfide, petr ether, ether, hot alc, alkalies.
Melting point: mp 53.5-55°
Density: d 0.97-0.98
Use: As a substitute for beeswax in wax varnishes or candles, ingredients in plasters, ointments; floor waxes, furniture polish. As a plasticizer in dental impression compounds.