Title: Caraway
Literature References: Dried ripe fruit of
Carum carvi L.,
Umbelliferae. Habit. Europe, Central and Western Asia; cultivated in England, Russia, U.S.
Constit. 3-7% volatile oil; terpenes, chiefly
d-limonene; 10-18% fixed oil; protein; carbohydrate; flavonoids. Composition studies: Von Schantz, Ek,
Sci. Pharm. 39, 82 (1971).
Review: Arctander,
Perfume and Flavor Materials of Natural Origin (S. Arctander, Elizabeth, N.J., 1960) pp 124-125; of medicinal uses: N. G. Bisset, M. Wichtl,
Herbal Drugs and Phytopharmaceuticals, English Ed. (CRC Press, Boca Raton, 1994) pp 128-129.
Derivative Type: Volatile oil
CAS Registry Number: 8000-42-8
Synonyms: Oil of caraway
Literature References: Constit. 53-63% carvone (by vol),
Properties: Colorless or pale yellow liq; darkens and thickens with age. d2525 0.900-0.910. aD25 +70 to +80°.
nD20 1.484-1.488. Almost insol in water. Sol in 8 vols 80% or in 1 vol 90% alcohol.
Keep well closed, cool, and protected from light.
Optical Rotation: aD25 +70 to +80°
Index of refraction: nD20 1.484-1.488
Density: d2525 0.900-0.910
Use: Pharmaceutic aid (flavor). In manuf liqueurs and perfuming soaps; as a spice in baking.
Therap-Cat: Carminative.