Title: Damascenine
CAS Registry Number: 483-64-7
CAS Name: 3-Methoxy-2-(methylamino)benzoic acid methyl ester
Synonyms: 2-(methylamino)-
m-anisic acid methyl ester; methyl 2-(methylamino)-3-methoxybenzoate; methyldamascenine; nigelline
Molecular Formula: C10H13NO3
Molecular Weight: 195.22
Percent Composition: C 61.52%, H 6.71%, N 7.17%, O 24.59%
Literature References: Odoriferous principle of oil of Nigella from seeds of
Nigella damascena L. and
Nigella arvensis L.,
Ranunculaceae. Early syntheses: Ewins,
J. Chem. Soc. 101, 544 (1912); Kaufman, Rothlin,
Ber. 49, 578 (1916); Sornet,
Manuf. Chem. 5, 87 (1924); Keller, Schulze,
Arch. Pharm. 263, 481 (1925). Improved synthesis: Mutschler,
ibid. 298, 861 (1965); M. Thoinet
et al., Ann. Pharm. Fr. 36, 337 (1978). Toxicity study: Bekemeier
et al., Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn. Ther. 168, 199 (1967).
Properties: Prisms from abs. alc. Nutmeg-like odor, mp 27-29°. bp 270° (slight dec), bp10 147°. Volatile with steam. Insol in water. Freely sol in alc, ether, chloroform, petr ether, oils.
Melting point: mp 27-29°
Boiling point: bp 270° (slight dec); bp10 147°
Derivative Type: Hydrochloride
Properties: Deliquesc prisms, mp 156°. (Hydrate, mp 122°). LD50 orally in mice: 1800 mg/kg (Bekemeier).
Melting point: mp 156°; (Hydrate, mp 122°)
Toxicity data: LD50 orally in mice: 1800 mg/kg (Bekemeier)