Title: Cacodyl
CAS Registry Number: 471-35-2
CAS Name: Tetramethyldiarsine
Synonyms: dicacodyl
Molecular Formula: C4H12As2
Molecular Weight: 209.98
Percent Composition: C 22.88%, H 5.76%, As 71.36%
Line Formula: (CH3)2AsAs(CH3)2
Literature References: Prepn from cacodyl chloride by heating with zinc in an atm of carbon dioxide: Bunsen,
Ann. 42, 14 (1842); from dimethylarsine by the action of oxides of nitrogen, aqueous chromic acid, lead peroxide, cacodyl chloride or potassium ferricyanide: Dehn, Wilcox,
Am. Chem. J. 35, 1 (1906); by the action of free methyl on arsenic: Paneth, Loleit,
J. Chem. Soc. 1935, 366; by reduction of cacodyl oxide: Witten,
US 2531487 (1950 to U.S.A.); Fuson, Shive,
US 2756245 (1956 to U.S.A.).
Properties: Oily liquid. Solidifies to large quadratic plates, mp -6°. Almost intolerable garlicky odor. Inflames spontaneously in dry air. bp760 165°. Slightly sol in water. Controlled oxidation with moist air yields cacodyl oxide and cacodylic acid. Reduction with tin and HCl yields
Erytrarsin (CH3As)4As2O3.
Melting point: mp -6°
Boiling point: bp760 165°