Title: Picrocrocin
CAS Registry Number: 138-55-6
CAS Name: (4
Synonyms: saffron-bitter
Molecular Formula: C16H26O7
Molecular Weight: 330.37
Percent Composition: C 58.17%, H 7.93%, O 33.90%
Literature References: From stigmas of
Crocus sativus L.,
Iridaceae. Isoln: Kayser,
Ber. 17, 2228 (1884). Structure: Kuhn, Winterstein,
Ber. 67, 344 (1934). Exerts sex-determining influences in the plant organism: Kuhn,
Angew. Chem. 53, 1 (1940). Its moieties are glucose and safranal,
q.q.v. Abs config: Buchecker, Eugster,
Helv. Chim. Acta 56, 1121 (1973). Synthesis: H. Mayer, J.-M. Santer,
Helv. Chim. Acta 63, 1463 (1980).
Properties: Crystals, mp 154-156°. [a]D20 -58° (c = 0.6). Bitter taste. Alkali unstable. Sol in water, alcohol; slightly sol in chloroform, ether. Practically insol in petr ether, benzene.
Melting point: mp 154-156°
Optical Rotation: [a]D20 -58° (c = 0.6)