Title: Tetrofosmin
CAS Registry Number: 127502-06-1
CAS Name: 6,9-Bis(2-ethoxyethyl)-3,12-dioxa-6,9-diphosphatetradecane
Synonyms: ethylenebis[bis(2-ethoxyethyl)phosphine]
Manufacturers' Codes: P53
Molecular Formula: C18H40O4P2
Molecular Weight: 382.46
Percent Composition: C 56.53%, H 10.54%, O 16.73%, P 16.20%
Literature References: Prepn: J. D. Kelly
et al., EP 337654;
eidem, US 5045302 (1989, 1991 both to Amersham). Pharmacology and determn of radiochemical purity:
idem et al., J. Nucl. Med. 34, 222 (1993). Clinical biodistribution: B. Higley
et al., ibid. 30. Clinical trial as a myocardial perfusion imaging agent: B. L. Zaret
et al., Circulation 91, 313 (1995).
Derivative Type: 99mTc-Complex
CAS Registry Number: 127455-27-0
Synonyms: 99mTc tetrofosmin; [99mTc(tetrofosmin)2O2]+
Manufacturers' Codes: PPN1011
Trademarks: Myoview (GE Healthcare)
Molecular Formula: C36H80O10P499mTc
Therap-Cat: 99mTc-Complex as diagnostic aid (radioactive imaging agent).